

Culturally Speaking

Culturally Speaking

In my years of experience, the one thing I’ve learned is that a company’s culture can be the determining factor if employees stay at their jobs. But what exactly does that even mean? By definition, corporate culture refers to “the beliefs and behaviors that determine...

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Gender Schmender

Gender Schmender

I'm often asked what I do to combat gender inequality in the work place, and my answer may be shocking: I do nothing. To me, gender schmender. I don't believe that gender inequality exists; in my experience, as an HR Manager, I just have NOT seen it. For those out...

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Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

What is your corporate culture? Does it accurately reflect the company you envisioned? How is your message conveyed? Company handbooks are the written documentation of your company’s culture. They are the best piece of internal advertising that you have for your...

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