
Some of you may think that’s a good thing and others probably wish the year would continue. Regardless, everyone thinks the year is over. But, is it?


  • This one’s obvious. It is your responsibility to complete and POST MARK employee W-2s by 1/31/2018. If you outsource your payroll, the payroll provider is responsible, BUT you still have the ultimate responsibility to make sure you have reviewed and approved all actions. The payroll company will not process your W-2s without your final approval. While they have the liability and the responsibility for filing and remitting your taxes on a timely basis, you have the liability and responsibility to make sure the data you supplied is accurate.
  • If the W-2 is returned to you as “undeliverable,” you have a responsibility to attempt to locate a correct address. You should hold onto the returned W-2 (if you are unable to resend.) DO NOT DESTROY as they may call YOU to get it!


  • If you have more than 10 employees, you probably are responsible for preparing the OSHA 300A for posting from February to April. You should have been keeping the log up-to-date throughout the year for any work place injuries and illnesses.
  • If you use the electronic version (OSHA LOG,) your incidents will automatically total for you on the posting page. You still need to supply:
    • SIC or NAICS
    • Annual average headcount
    • TOTAL HOURS WORKED – do not forget your salary people (2,080 hours per year)
  • Please note, a Company Executive should sign this.

1094s and 1095s

If you have fewer than 50 employees, you do NOT need to worry with this. I continue to stick my head in the ground when it comes to the Affordable Care Act. (I know, terrible of me but at least I’m honest!)

Please check with your insurance broker, insurance carrier and/or accountant to determine if you are responsible for completing and sending these documents.

So, there’s a summary of some of your responsibilities so you can truly say Goodbye 2017!

Let us know what you’d like us to write about in 2018!  Send us your ideas – the first 12 people to suggest a monthly topic will receive a Starbuck’s gift card!