Best Practices for Terminating an Employee
Having to terminate is likely one of the hardest parts of running a business. It requires finesse, compassion, and conciseness; and if you do it right, you can make the transition painless for employee and employer. Every company operates differently but they all have...
How Not to Fire an Employee
Having to fire an employee or employees is often one of the worst parts of having a job—for both the employee being let go and the person doing the firing. Most of the time these terminations go off without much more than an air of sadness and perhaps a few tears BUT...
NSFW Phraseology for $1000 Please
We often say “we just can’t make this stuff up!” and we’re very, very sincere about that statement. I’ve been in human resources and personnel for (gulp) almost 30 years now and STILL get surprised. Case in point – we completed a work place investigation earlier this...
Momma Always Said…
Polite people do not talk about pay, religion or politics! Well, the National Labor Relations Act begs to differ with Mom and says that employees MAY talk about pay – it’s a protected, concerted activity (wages, terms and conditions of employment.) So, sorry Mom, you...
First Day, Best Day
First days are nerve-racking. You want to make a good impression, but you know no one and don’t know your way around the office. It brings back memories of the first day in a new school. Who will you eat lunch with? Where will you eat lunch? It’s a feeling that can...
Dip Your Toes in Various Applicant Pools
Sometimes it’s easy to get too focused on certain areas for hiring. You know to go to career fairs and colleges to recruit. You use job searching websites like a pro. But are you overlooking some serious contenders? Thinking outside the standard corporate box can lead...