(They don’t have to cost an arm and a leg.) One of the simplest and most memorable rewards I ever received from a company was a single carnation with a quick, personally written, “Thank you” on a card. Everybody in that office knew when they saw a carnation on...
Size Matters
Ah, my favorite topic: SIZE… it really does matter! (Get your mind out of the gutter!) Originally posted in 2007, the size of your business has become a regular speaking point for me. Even I was surprised by the number of employment regulations I needed to be aware of...
Hiring the Perfect Candidate
In the eyes of most HR folks, recruiting is an absolute nightmare. I remember stating pre-COVID that we were in the worst recruiting market I had ever experienced. Huh… I should have been more careful about what I had to say. NOW is the worst recruiting market I’ve...
Performance Evaluations Done Right
As HR professionals, we hear a lot about accountability and expectations. In return, we ask a lot of hard questions: Did you explain exactly what you were expecting?Did you clarify their understanding of your explanation?Is this a change in their “normal” behavior?Has...
It’s Vacation Time!
Why am I writing about vacation in the fall of 2022? Well, for a few reasons: Reason #1 My husband and I recently took a weeklong vacation to attend the Greyhounds Reach the Beach® event held every October in Southern Delaware. We’ve been going for as long as I...
Best Practices for Terminating an Employee
Having to terminate is likely one of the most challenging responsibilities of a manager. Here are five best practices to help make the transition less painful for employee and employer, and minimize backlash and confusion. 1. Ground your decision to terminate in fact...