News at the Speed of Light
Wow – what a ride right now, right? Things are changing almost at the speed of light and it’s tough to keep up. You have your own family to worry about, your employees and their families to worry about and your business and revenue to worry about. I’m sure I’ve missed...
Did You Know – End of the Quarter
Did you know – employees truly DO want to know how the Company is doing. As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2019, what approach do you take to keeping employees in the know? (Where has the time gone???) In a perfect world, goals were set like this: Leader...
Did You Know – Rewards and Recognition Don’t Have to Break the Piggy Bank!
Happy Birthday to Me – Happy Birthday to Me. Yep – it’s my birthday month. Do you know when your employees’ birthdays are? How simple would it be to shoot them an email (or mail a card to their home) to recognize their birthday? And, employment anniversaries – who...
Did You Know – When Love Blooms at the Office, Part 2
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace made several recommendations that we should be sure to consider: Mid-level and Line Managers should be responsible for preventing harassment and it should be included in...
Did You Know – When Love Blooms at the Office!
Did you know you CAN say something when a romance starts off at the workplace? Even if you do not have a fraternization policy, you can still (and should) hold an adult conversation with the new love birds. The conversation can go something like this: Really happy you...
Did You Know – OSHA Logs Take 2
Did you know there are important statistics you can gather from your OSHA log? Remember, if you have 10 or more employees, you should be maintaining this log throughout the year AND posting the summary report from February 1 to April 28. (Short Cut to Logs) Once...